經理人英文[Jing Li Ren Ying Wen]~推薦!
作者:張文娟 ISBN:9789571188232
【Author】作者/繪者/著者/譯者 |
台大外國語文學系畢業,澳大利亞社區語言合格教師,曾任英語、華語老師,及《今周刊》叢書部英文編譯。著有《輕鬆用英語介紹台灣》、《史上最強GEPT全民英檢〔中級〕:聽力&口說完全破題》、《史上最強GEPT全民英檢〔中級〕:閱讀&寫作完全破題》、《史上最強GEPT Pro企業英檢一本就夠》、《職場英文王:會話能力進階手冊》(以上皆由永續圖書出版)
【Introduction】簡介/書評/特色/摘要 |
【Table of Contents】目錄/大綱/內容概要 |
Chapter 1 Global Business Trends 全球商業趨勢
Unit 1 The Impact of New Technology 新科技的影響
Unit 2 Globalization 全球化
Unit 3 Automation 自動化
Unit 4 The Drop in Oil Prices 油價下跌
Unit 5 Deepening Income Inequality 收入不平等日益嚴重
Chapter 2 Marketing 行銷
Unit 1 Basic Marketing 基本行銷
Unit 2 Brand Marketing 品牌行銷
Unit 3 Creative Marketing 創意行銷
Unit 4 Media Management 媒體管理
Unit 5 Advertisement 廣告
Unit 6 Maintaining Customer Loyalty 維持顧客忠誠度
Chapter 3 Finance 財務
Unit 1 Financial Issues in a Company 公司的財務問題
Unit 2 Company Shares 公司股份
Unit 3 Mergers and Acquisitions 合併與收購(併購)
Unit 4 Foreign Investment 對外投資
Unit 5 E-Commerce 電子商務
Chapter 4 Human Resources and Organization 人力資源與組織
Unit 1 Recruitment 招募新進員工
Unit 2 Corporate Culture 企業文化
Unit 3 Leadership 領導力
Unit 4 Communication 溝通
Unit 5 Negotiation 談判
Unit 6 Discrimination in the Workplace 工作場所的歧視
Unit 7 Public Relations 公共關係
Chapter 5 Innovation 創新
Unit 1 Sharing Economy 共享經濟
Unit 2 3D printing 3D 列印
Unit 3 Drones and Driverless Cars 無人機和無人車
Unit 4 Wearable Technology 穿戴式科技
Unit 5 Urban Renewal 都市更新
Chapter 6 Vision 願景
Unit 1 Synergy 合作效應
Unit 2 Better Benefits for Employees 更佳的員工福利
Unit 3 Young Start-up Entrepreneur Program 青年創業計劃
Unit 4 Energy Issues 能源議題
Unit 5 Environmental Protection 環境保護
Unit 6 Collaboration with Government 與政府合作
Unit 7 Corporate Social Responsibilities 企業的社會責任
Chapter 7 Case Studies 個案研究
Unit 1 Warren Buffett (Berkshire Hathaway Inc.) 華倫‧巴菲特(波克夏‧哈薩威公司)
Unit 2 Bill Gates (Microsoft) 比爾‧蓋茲(微軟公司)
Unit 3 Steve Jobs (Apple Inc.) 史蒂夫‧賈伯斯(蘋果公司)
Unit 4 Jack Ma (Alibaba) 馬雲(阿里巴巴集團)
Unit 5 Venerable Master Jih Chang (Leezen Co.Ltd) 上日下常老和尚(里仁事業)
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Unit 1 The Impact of New Technology
A: Some friends of mine advised me to use social media in marketing. Do you know what that is?
B: Of course. It is a very powerful tool. People who want to promote a business, an organization or a foundation will find social media particularly useful.
A: Really? Can you give me some examples?
B: One of the most successful examples would be Apple. Hundreds and thousands of customers interact with the company via social media on a daily basis.
A: What makes Apple consumers want to do this?
B: Apple fans follow the updates of the company via social media and get a sense of belonging.
A: Now I can see why they become such loyal customers.
B: This is called “Bottom-up Communication,” in contrast to the traditional “Top-down Communication.” That’s why interactivity is always emphasized in social media.
A: What you just mentioned is a big international tech company. I am just a small business owner who looks for strategies to navigate the increasingly complicated Internet.
B: Even I use Facebook to promote myself. We can surely find many creative ways of promoting the image of our company and marketing our business online by using social media.
A: Since you know so much about it, I’ll assign this social media project to you. By this time next Monday, I’d like to see the established presence of our company on social media.
資料來源:[博客來BOOKS網路書店] http://www.books.com.tw/exep/assp.php/ap/products/0010730232?utm_source=ap&utm_medium=ap-books&utm_content=recommend
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