
看圖學中文語法:進階篇(The Ultimate Illustrated Chinese Grammar Guide: Advanced Level)~推薦!




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  國立臺灣師範大學國語教學中心成立於 1956 年,隸屬於國立臺灣師範大學,是臺灣歷史最悠久、規模最完備、教學最有成效的華語文教學機構。學員來自全世界各地,許多漢學界知名學者及政經界名人都曾在此就讀,在國際間享譽盛名。

  The Mandarin Training Center (MTC) at NTNU

  The Mandarin Training Center (MTC) is founded in 1956. The MTC, a subsidiary of National Taiwan Normal University (NTNU), is the largest and oldest institution dedicated to teaching Chinese as a second language in Taiwan. The center has well-equipped facilities and is internationally renowned for its high teaching quality. MTC’s students come from all over the world, and many renowned sinology scholars and important figures in the politics and financial are its alumni.







►GO►最新優惠► [暢銷書]看圖學中文語法:進階篇



  ‧符合 ACTFL、CEFR 學習能力指標架構
  ‧結合功能主題及 TOCFL Band B 詞彙,有效靈活運用於日常生活
  ‧書末附 TOCFL 進階高階級三回模擬練習題,進一步強化語法,輕鬆掌握考試
  ‧幫助準備各項中文能力測驗考試,程度相當於 TOCFL B 等能力測驗


  The Ultimate Illustrated Chinese Grammar Guide: Advanced Level collects and includes all advanced grammar points in a systematic way of learning. The content is presented with illustrations and includes abundant drills and exercises, making it an excellent reference guide for advanced level students and their teachers!

  Grammar points are presented with fun illustrations and come with drills and exercises, so students can learn to use sentence patterns to express themselves with precision.

  The dynamic and engaging design makes studying Chinese more interesting and increases student motivation.

  Grammar points are integrated into topics that deal with daily life. Learners that practice the sentences patterns frequently will find it easy to apply them to their daily lives.

  Grammar points are arranged according to level and difficulty. Sentence patterns are introduced gradually, making learning more enjoyable and less stressful.

  Grammar points with the same structure but different functions and usages are listed, so learners can compare and contrast them.

  The exercises and content are designed to give Chinese language learners a better overall understanding of Chinese grammar and to help prepare for different Chinese proficiency tests, including the TOCFL.

  The principles used in this book correspond to the language learning ability index—ACTFL and CEFR.

  All grammar points and vocabulary correspond to the TOCFL Band B (Level 3 and Level 4).

  Three TOCFL Band B mock tests are included at the end of the book, so learners can further evaluate their performance.

  The Ultimate Illustrated Chinese Grammar Guide is highly recommended by Steering Committee for the Test Of Proficiency-Huayu, SC-TOP(國家華語測驗推動工作委員會).

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【Table of Contents】目錄/大綱/內容概要

Unit 1 這種茶聞起來很香,喝起來也很好喝
U1-1 ……V 起來……
U1-2 ……V 起(O)來……
U1-3 ……,V 著 V 著就……了

Unit 2 天氣這麼熱,我們還是去游泳吧
U2-1 ……,還是……吧
U2-2 ……,還是 別/不要 ……(了)吧
U2-3 ……先……,等……,再……

Unit 3 凱文七點就到學校了,天明十一點才來學校
U3-1 「才」、「就」、「再」

Unit 4 只要拿學生證,就可以到圖書館去借書
U4-1 只要……,(……)就……
U4-2 只有……,(……)才……

Unit 5 小玉拿到了獎學金,這是因為她的成績很優秀
U5-1 ……。這是因為……
U5-2 ……,是 因為/由於 ……
U5-3 ……之所以……,是 因為/由於……
U5-4 由於……,因此……

Unit 6 臺北或者高雄都有方便的捷運系統
U6-1 A 或者 B
U6-2 A、B 或者 C、D ……都……
U6-3 ……,或者,……

Unit 7 傳統火車的速度比不上高鐵的速度
U7-1 ……比較……
U7-2 A 比不上/不如 B
U7-3 A 比不上/不如 B 的……

Unit 8 很多學生喜歡把筆轉來轉去
U8-1 V 來 V 去
U8-2 V 來 V 去
U8-3 V 下去

Unit 9 臺灣的鳳梨酥既便宜又好吃
U9-1 ……不但……而且……
U9-2 ……不但……而且……
U9-3 ……既……又……
U9-4 ……,……既……,……又……

Unit 10 連外國人都知道中國的熊貓很少
U10-1 連 …… 都/也 ……
U10-2 就算是/即使…… 也/都 ……
U10-3 再…… 都/也 ……

Unit 11 沒有一個臺灣的大城市沒夜市
U11-1 沒有一M……
U11-2 沒有一 M……不/沒 ……

Unit 12 既然妳想去吃消夜,我們就去吧
U12-1 要是 /如果 ……的話,……
U12-2 既然……,那麼,……
U12-2 既然……,(……)就……

Unit 13 臺灣不過是一個島而已
U13-1 ……才 /不過 ……而已
U13-2 不過 /只(是) ……而已

Unit 14 除了芒果以外,我也喜歡吃鳳梨跟蓮霧
U14-1 除了……以外,……還/也……
U14-2 除了……以外,……不/沒……
U14-3 ……,再說,……,……所以/因此/因而……
U14-4 ……,因為……,再說,……

Unit 15 王家樂以為臺灣的冬天不冷,沒想到這麼冷
U15-1 ……以為……,沒想到……
U15-2 還好 /幸虧……,要不然 /否則……

Unit 16 她不是美國人,而是英國人
U16-1 ……不是……就是……
U16-2 ……(並)不是……而是……
U16-3 ……是…… 而/並 不是……

Unit 17 夜店裡的人,跳舞的跳舞,喝酒的喝酒
U17-1 一邊 V1,一邊 V2
U17-2 一面 V1,一面 V2
U17-3 Vs1 的 Vs1,Vs2 的 Vs2……
U17-4 VP1 的 VP1,VP2 的 VP2……

Unit 18 他因為申請到獎學金而來臺灣學中文
U18-1 ……因為……而……
U18-2 ……為了……而……

Unit 19 為了趕時間而開車超速的人很多
U19-1 因為……而……的 N
U19-2 因為……而……的 N……
U19-3 為了……而……的 N……
U19-4 ……為了……而……的 N ……

Unit 20 這家餐廳的菜,好吃是好吃,可是有點貴
U20-1 X 是 X,可是……
U20-2 …… 不但不/不但沒 ……,反而……

Unit 21 不管芒果還是鳳梨,臺灣人都很喜歡吃
U21-1 不管/不論/無論 A(、B)
還是/或是 C,(……)都……
U21-2 不管/不論/無論 A(、B)還是/或是 C,

Unit 22 不管那支手機貴不貴,林芳芳都要買
U22-1 不管/不論/無論 ……QW……,(……)都……
U22-2 不管/不論/無論 …… 不/沒 ……,(……)都……

Unit 23 我又不是韓國人,我怎麼會說韓文
U23-1 ……並不/並沒……
U23-2 ……可不/可沒……
U23-3 ……又不/又沒……

Unit 24 孔子在中國歷史上相當重要
U24-1 一方面……,一方面(也)……
U24-2 (在)……上

Unit 25 想吃什麼小吃就吃什麼小吃
U25-1 要/想 V QW……就 V QW
U25-2 ……QW Vs 就 V QW……
U25-3 怎麼 Vs 就怎麼 V……

Unit 26 王玉華一會兒吃漢堡,一會兒吃牛肉麵
U26-1 ……,(……)甚至(於)……
U26-2 ……一會兒……一會兒……
U26-3 ……一會兒……一會兒……

Unit 27 跟男朋友分手以後,她一直很難過
U27-1 ……一直……
U27-2 ……一向……
U27-3 ……往往……

Unit 28 除非你常跟臺灣人用中文聊天,否則你的中文不會進步
U28-1 (……)雖然……, 不過/可是/但是 ……
U28-2 除非……,要不然/否則……/除非……,……才……

Unit 29 我寧可不睡覺,也要看完這本小說
U29-1 寧可……也……
U29-2 寧可……也不……
U29-3 寧可不/沒……也……
U29-4 與其……不如……

Unit 30 連洗頭帶洗澡,十五分鐘就夠了
U30-1 連 V1 帶 V2
U30-2 VP1 帶 VP2
U30-3 連 N1 帶 N2
U30-4 連 A 帶 B(四字格,固定用法)

Unit 31 冰到了攝氏零度以上會融化
U31-1 (在)……以上/(在)……以下
U31-2 (在)……以內/(在)……以外
U31-3 ……以東/南/西/北

Unit 32 謝心美把生詞寫了三遍才睡覺
U32-1 S 把 O VP
U32-2 …… V/Vs ,……把…… V/Vs 得……
U32-3 S 把 N V Nu M
U32-4 S 把 N V 成……

Answer Keys 練習參考解答

TOCFL 進階高階級(Band B)模擬練習題

Answer Keys 模擬練習題解答


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  本書匯集並整理進階、高階華語語法重點,為進階及高階級語法複習與教學輔助用書。針對準備參加「華語文能力測驗(TOCFL)」進階高階級(Band B)以及想在課堂外複習進階或高階語法的學習者,提供有系統的練習重點與自我檢測方向;亦可作為教師在課堂教授語法時的參考輔助用書。

  為使學習者不覺枯燥且產生對語法學習的興趣,本書以生動活潑的圖解方式呈現各個語法使用特性,各項練習設計與內容亦力求豐富、多元,以利參加 B 等能力測驗的學習者和自學者能充分掌握並建立正確的中文句式結構。
  本書盡量將結構可相互呼應,但用法和功能不同的語法點安排在同一單元或前、後單元,以利學習者綜合比較、前後參考。此外,編寫時亦結合功能主題及 Band B 測驗的五千個詞彙,讓學習者同時習得常用句型,進一步運用於日常生活中,以符合能力指標的描述。


  進階級:能讀懂個人感興趣的主題或與專攻領域相關的文章;前提是文章以淺白、 . 平鋪直敘的方式寫作而成。



  敬祝 使用本書的學習者都能掌握 B 等的華語文語法點,並順利通過考試!


  All advanced grammar points were collected and included in The Ultimate Illustrated Chinese Grammar Guide: Advanced Level, making it an excellent reference guide for advanced level students and their teachers. It is also ideal for individuals preparing for the TOCFL Band B and Chinese language learners who wish to study basic Chinese grammar on their own. It includes systematic exercises, drills, and self-evaluation tests. It can be used by teachers as a reference book when teaching Chinese.

  This book is designed to be dynamic and engaging to make studying Chinese more interesting and to increase student motivation. The exercises and content are designed to make preparing for the TOCFL Band B easier and to give Chinese language learners a better overall understanding of Chinese grammar.

  Grammar points with similar structures but with different usage and functions are arranged in the same unit or the next unit, so that learners can compare and contrast them. In addition, grammar points are integrated into topics that deal with daily life and that match with the TOCFL vocabulary found in Band B. Learners that practice the sentences patterns frequently will find it easy to apply them to their daily lives. The principles used in this book correspond to the language learning ability index.

  TOCFL Band B (Reading):

  Ability to comprehend and analyze dialogues and texts

  Level 3: The Level 3 test taker can read straightforward factual texts on subjects related to his/her field and interest with a satisfactory level of comprehension.

  Level 4: The Level 4 test taker can read with a large extent of autonomy, taking different reading strategies and speed on different types of texts. Have a broad active reading vocabulary, however, may experience some difficulties with idioms rarely encountered.

  In addition to illustrations and example sentences, each grammar point includes structure explanations and exercises. Learners can take the tests included in the book to determine whether they have absorbed the relevant grammar points. Three mock tests are included at the end of the book to help students get a better grasp of grammar points and build up confidence as they prepare for their test.

  I wish you the best of luck as you prepare for the TOCFL Band B.

Liu Chongren
Mandarin Training Center
National Taiwan Normal University

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