未來一百年大預測(The Next 100 Years: A Forecast for the 21st Century)~推薦!
作者:喬治.弗列德曼 ISBN:9789866488252
【Introduction】簡介/書評/特色/摘要 |
本書以非常清楚易懂的文字,預測21世紀全世界可能遭逢的改變。作者本身即是創立美國民營智庫預測機構「戰略預測」(Strategic Forecasting Inc.簡稱Stratfor)的總裁。他解釋了未來在哪裡跟為什麼會爆發戰爭(還有戰爭會怎樣進行)、哪些國家會獲得或喪失經濟與政治上的優勢,以及新的技術與文化潮流將如何改變我們未來的生活方式。
喬治.弗列德曼(George Friedman)
生於匈牙利,父母親是二次大戰時納粹大屠殺事件的生還者。由於政治因素,弗列德曼在三歲時隨同父母移居美國。他對政治與國際關係議題特別感興趣,在紐約市立大學主修政治科學,隨後取得康乃爾大學的博士學位,畢業後在賓州的迪金森學院(Dickinson College)任職二十餘年。
除了政治科學學者與作家兩個身份之外,弗列德曼也是美國民營智庫機構「戰略預測」 (Strategic Forecasting Inc.簡稱Stratfor)的創辦人與總裁,此機構為全球首屈一指的情資收集與預測公司,專門提供企業與各國政府關於全球的政經分析與預測。2001年Barron's財經雜誌曾稱它為「影子中央情報局」(the shadow CIA)。弗列德曼經常接受媒體訪問,已出版過四本書,包括最近的《美國的秘密戰爭》。他並常常撰寫有關國家安全、資訊戰、電腦安全以及情資等等專文。他目前住在德州奧斯汀。
【Table of Contents】目錄/大綱/內容概要 |
第一章 美國時代的降臨
第二章 大變動:美國與回教世界的戰爭
第三章 文化戰爭、人口爆炸與電腦
第四章 新的斷層線
第五章 2020年:中國——紙老虎
第六章 2020年:俄羅斯——重整
第七章 2030年:美國強權與危機
第八章 混亂失序的時期
第九章 2040年代——戰爭序幕
第十章 戰爭計畫
第十一章 世界大戰:綱要
第十二章 2060年代:黃金的十年
第十三章 2080年:美國、墨西哥互爭世界核心地位
【Preface】序/前言/推薦/心得 |
未來一百年大預測 繁體中文版作者自序
杭廷頓教授(Samuel P. Huntington)曾經在《外交事務》季刊中撰文,提出「文明的衝突」之觀點。他的見解,我並不同意。首先,不同的文明之間會產生大量的衝突,例如在回教世界裡面,不同的宗教派系、種族、國家經常產生衝突,而整個回教世界就是由這些衝突所構成的。其他的文明,舉例來講美國好了,可能會和回教世界裡面的單一成份產生衝突,可是更重要的是要仔細觀察美國如何利用回教世界內部的矛盾分裂,來達成美國自己的目標。不管是沙烏地阿拉伯和埃及,或是其他非回教的國家,統統密切觀察著美國的動向。這個世界裡充滿了分裂的派系,遠比文化╱文明衝突理論所描寫的更複雜。
Preface for Taiwan edition of The Next 100 Years
The Next 100 Years is a book about the future of the international system as a whole. The method it uses for understanding that system is geopolitics. Geopolitics argues that the national or multi-national state, which has been the foundation of the international system for several centuries, will continue to be the foundation in the 21st century. The complexity of modern societies requires larger units of organization. Extremely small systems cannot provide the complex internal services required by a modern economy from the state, nor can they provide for any degree of security.
This view disagrees with those who regard culture or ideology as decisive. When we look at the history of Russia since it achieved its general modern form in the 18th century, we find that its behavior in the international system had a great deal of continuity in spite of dramatic changes in ideology. It is interesting to note that Stalin’s foreign policy was not markedly different from Czarist foreign policies. Indeed, this was something Stalin was quite aware of, inasmuch as he focused on the geopolitical in executing foreign policy, rather than on ideology. He allied with Hitler, then with the United States, and created a buffer of states in Eastern Europe to protect the Soviet Union. It is particularly interesting to note that the Soviet Union and the People’s Republic of China developed extremely hostile relations with each other in spite of sharing a single ideology. From this and other examples, it would seem that ideology does not explain the behavior of nations very well.
Samuel P. Huntington has written on the clash of civilizations. His point of view is not one I agree with. First, there is tremendous conflict within civilizations. In dealing with the Islamic world, for example, there are conflicts between religious factions, ethnic groups and nation states. These conflicts define the Islamic world. Other civilizations, such as the United States, might clash with elements of the Islamic world, but it is important to see how the United States uses the divisions inside the Islamic world to achieve its ends. States such as Egypt and Saudi Arabia, both extremely important nations, are as interested in the success of the United States as are non-Islamic countries. The world is much more fractious than theories about culture and civilizational clashes account for.
Geography determines power. Iceland can have the most brilliant leader and the finest ideology, but it can never shape the international system. Similarly, I argue that the United States could have the worst leader and the most corrupt culture, and its sheer weight in the international system would make it a defining power. The fundamentals of the nation-state are more important to me than the self-perceptions of ideology and culture, or excellence in leadership, although all may have an effect.
Obviously, the United States is not alone in the world and other countries will try to contain its power in order to protect their interests. Three countries are of immediate importance: Japan, Turkey and Poland. There are countries that others find important that I do not. One example is India. India is a very large country but it has two weakness. First, it is a multi-national state in which the central government has not been able to overcome the diversity and inefficiencies of many of its state governments. Thus, India suffers from very uneven internal development in which some regions surge and other regions stagnate. This will cause India to disappoint expectations. Second, India is geographically isolated. The Himalayas in the north and the jungles to the east block easy access in those directions. A hostile Pakistan blocks it from the west. India’s only path to the world is through the sea, and that sea is controlled by the United States. It must align itself with the United States in order to maintain access, which limits its room for maneuver.
Brazil is also mentioned frequently, and that is a country with tremendous opportunity. But Brazil is an isolated country. If you look at the map in the book, you will see that it is isolated in Latin American itself. On a global basis it is located at a non-strategic point. It is certainly possible to be a prosperous economic power and lack geopolitical weight because of geography. Power is military as well as economic and both depend on geographical position. Brazil will be a great economic power but it will not shape the global system.
It is in this context that Taiwan must consider its position. It is a small country but disproportionately effective economically. A country like Taiwan requires a geographical position that protects it from threats. As an island, Taiwan is enormously fortunate. This is particularly true because the PRC cannot threaten Taiwan with attack. The PRC has a powerful Army but a weak Navy. Its ability to execute an amphibious attack and maintain logistical support to those forces over time is extremely limited.
The PRC could strike in other ways, trying to isolate Taiwan through submarines and missiles. Taiwan by itself cannot deal with this threat. Therefore, Taiwan will always require a strategic partnership with a major maritime power. At this point, that power is the United States, and this is the foundation of Taiwanese national security, which when coupled with Taiwan’s geographical position, solves the problem.
Of course, the question will be whether the United States will wish to remain in this relationship to Taiwan. The real question here is not the PRC, which appears more threatening than it is. The great Asian naval power is, of course, Japan having both ships and the tradition needed to create naval officers—which the PRC lacks. Japan is also a much greater economic power than the PRC, being second only to the United States. Japan is not currently growing economically, but growth is not always profitable, and its size is already massive.
Right now, Japan takes a modest, almost invisible role in the international system. This is not a permanent situation. Taiwan is an island. Japan is a powerful regional maritime power. For Taiwan, over the coming generations, defining its relationship with Japan will be critical. I argue that the emergent Japan will be challenged by the United States. In that case, Taiwan will have an advantageous position, in being able to choose between rivals. I strongly expect Taiwan to continue its relationship with the United States.
The power of the United States and of the second tier countries does not exclude safety and prosperity for other countries. There have always been great powers and other nations made their way within the matrix of power they created. This is what Taiwan will have to do, and it has done it with great success for over half a century. There is no reason why it will not continue to do so.
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